To keep customer's money safe, financial institutions worldwide use two-factor authentication. We have used them for our bank accounts. How? Remember those short, 4 to 6-digit codes that you receive from your bank when you try to log in for the first time on a new device, or when you have to input to approve a transaction. Banks send these one-time passwords through SMS text messages. SMS is, unfortunately, one of the weakest ways to implement 2FA because text messages are interceptable, as agreed by cyber law firms in India . Are we being paranoid? No. Here is an incident that happened in the UK. Telecom protocol SS7 was hacked by crooks to steal banking two-factor authentication codes. Judging by the media headlines, it's the golden age for online scams. High payoffs and the moderately low risk of detection are an inspiration for criminals to "go online." Some groups break up or are caught by law enforcement, but newer groups pop...