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7 Crucial Tips To Stop Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is to offend, humiliate, threaten, abuse or harass with the use of a digital medium. Anybody can be a victim of cyberbullying irrespective of their age, gender, class, etc. Hence, if you are a budding entrepreneur, it’s must to get legal advice for your startup before you venture into the market. For an entrepreneur, cyber bullying may lead to affecting company’s digital reputation and thereby reducing the number of visitors on company’ online properties.

It has taken various forms and is also subjective to the victims. Thus, various countries have defined strict cyberbullying laws to protect the privacy of online users.

Let’s show you the disastrous rise of cyberbullying:
  • 87% of youth have suffered cyberbullying.
  • Around 13% of victimised children receive hurtful comments.
  • 41% of girls/women tend to experience cyberbullying more compared to boys/men (28%).
So now the question is how to avoid cyberbullying? How to get rid of the menace?

Following are some tips that might direct you to protect yourself:


Don’t respond

Avoid replying to the comments or posts that are meant to provoke or retaliate. Rage comments might make the condition worse and even might put you in trouble.


Understand that you are not at fault

Sometimes, a rift or an argument between two people is perceived as bullying. But, if you are being harassed by someone repetitively, then it’s is absolutely bullying. Here, you should not blame yourself. It’s not your fault that someone is being cruel to you. In fact, you do not deserve to be treated rudely.


Block the user and report a complaint

As all social media platforms have the feature to report and block offending users, it’s is a MUST use during the case of cyberbullying. If the harassment takes the form of physical harm, you need to immediately contact local police for protection. You can also report the problem to the social media platform.


Seek the help of others

You deserve backup and help when somebody is harassing you to an extent that it becomes stressful. Talk to friends, relatives to take off weight from your shoulders. Also, it can help you like a piece of evidence that you had shared your experiences.


Protect your accounts

It’s highly recommended to keep your social media account settings as private. Try to avoid connecting with someone online whom you do not know offline. It’s the same as how you avoid talking to strangers while you are walking on the streets. Refrain from sharing passwords with your friends. It will protect you from impersonation.


Hold the offenders accountable

Understand and recognise the signs of bullying. If you are a parent, then hold the bullies accountable by reporting to the school authorities and the parents of the bullies. The offenders should understand that their actions have consequences and it’s a basic right of an individual to live without fear.


Support the one who is bullied

Lastly, it’s time to sympathise with people who are being bullied. You need to stand together with the victims as they are passing through a tough time. Hence, they need help and support.

If you want to fight against cyberbullying, then you need to get in touch with highly experienced techno legal consultants in Gujarat. If you are a business owner, its best to get legal advice for startup to protect your online reputation.


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